Melbourne Showgrounds

Melbourne Showgrounds has hosted the Royal Melbourne Show since 1883. Since then, it has grown into a unique indoor-outdoor events and entertainment precinct.

To ensure that the precinct can best serve the needs of Victorians now and for generations to come, the Victorian Government provided funding to The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) to develop a master plan and business case to maximise its potential as a centre for agriculture, events, exhibitions, and wider community use.

CLIENT: The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV)|
LOCATION: Melbourne|
CAPABILITIES: Place Strategy

The Place Agency were an integral part of the masterplan team, working closely with the project architects and landscape designers to consider how to enhance existing spaces, build on the character of the site, and to enable new functions without compromising the site’s ability to host major events.

Our contribution the experience masterplan layer that demonstrated how to improve the user experience, build on the site’s rich agricultural and built-form heritage to attract more visitors, to be activated at more times in the year, and to serve as a hub for excellence in agriculture, events, food and beverage.